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Climate change

After the USA elections on November 8, 2016, I think I lost a little hope in humanity. However, not everything is lost. We just have to do better.

The new NASA global data set combines historical measurements with data from climate simulations using the best available computer models to provide forecasts of how global temperature (shown here) and precipitation might change up to 2100 under different greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. Source: NASA.

When I heard the news, I was still in bed. I got up, took my daughter with me and I just sat in the living room staring at her. She started playing with her cardboard and wood toys having no idea of what had just happen. She started playing and I started mourning. I felt lost. I went into this phase of denial - "it can't be true!" -, confusion, mourning, nostalgia, and, ultimately, very deep sadness. How did we let this happen?

I mean the royal we here. It's not just the American people. It's everyone! Where did we scientists fail to report our findings? Because if they are listening, are we just not making ourselves understandable? Where have we failed? If they are in fact not listening, how can we change that?

Climate. Change.

In my PhD Thesis, I added a box with the definition of climate change. Check it below.

You can also visit NASA's website on climate.

This is not just a buzz word anymore. Climate change is real. Climate change is here to stay for what seems to be an eternity now. But what can we do about it?

The current elected president of one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases is a climate change denier. As a scientist, I find this so hard to grasp, but the fact that there are still people not believing (believing is definitely not the correct term here) in climate change just tells me one thing: WE HAVE TO WORK HARDER NOW!

The fact that Donald Trump can reverse the climate change policies set for the USA in the Paris agreement tells me, again, that WE HAVE TO WORK HARDER NOW!

The fact that the fight for our planet is way overdue tell me, once again, that WE HAVE TO WORK HARDER NOW!

Now more than even, we have to reverse the catastrophic impacts of climate change.

And now one of the videos explaining climate change in very easy terms. This one is by Bill Nye, but there are many more that anyone can look at. Whether you like Bill Nye or not, he is right on this one folks.

And here Neil deGrasse Tyson.

And for the climate change deniers.

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